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Pre-doctoral and Master's research

Pre-Doctoral and Master's awards

Undertaking clinical research requires training like any other discipline. You may have had an opportunity to do a small research project as part of your degree. Further research, especially if you want to lead your own research in the future, will require you to undertake research specific training. A PhD is a big commitment, so you may want to think about doing an MSc or MD first. Obtaining funding for these can be difficult, but the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) also runs some pre-doctoral schemes:

More information about NIHR trainee fellowships are available from the  NIHR Trainee Coordinating Centre.

UHBW Research Capability Funding can also be used to enable you to undertake a small research project provided you have appropriate supervision and mentorship throughout, and that it will eventually lead on to a larger grant application.

You need to register at a University in order to obtain any higher degree. If you are unsure who to contact then speak to the Grants Manager at UHBristol in the first instance,