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Sustainable development

University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) was formed on 1 April 2020 following the merger of University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and Weston Area Health NHS Trust.

The information on this page is historic. Visit the UHBW About us pages for the latest information. 


We aspire to be a leader in the field of sustainable healthcare using our influence to enable our staff, patients, suppliers and healthcare partners achieve a sustainable and resilient health and care system for our region.

In January 2019, NHS England launched the NHS Long Term Plan which laid out the future direction of the NHS over the next ten years. The plan commits the NHS to ambitious targets for carbon emission reduction, vehicle exhaust emission reduction and tackling the use of single use plastics within the NHS supply chain.

To lead the way in healthcare in the city, we have set the ambitious goal to become carbon neutral by 2030. This is in partnership with North Bristol NHS Trust. Find out more here.

As one of the largest organisations in Bristol we have a significant role to play to help protect the environment. We have developed a Sustainable Development Strategy which sets out how we intend to manage and reduce our environmental impact, improve efficiency and resilience and control the cost of delivering our services.

We are committed to embedding sustainability across our own organisation, leading by example in our sector and improving the health and wellbeing of the communities we serve.

We collaborate with our healthcare partners and key stakeholders to ensure that our work is aligned to deliver a shared set of goals.

We are committed to working in partnership to deliver Bristol's One City Plan and the vision for a "fair, healthy and sustainable city". 

The Lancet commission declared climate change is the greatest threat to global health. We recognise the urgency of the threat that climate breakdown poses to public health. We wish to be leaders in fast tracking plans to achieve carbon neutrality - improving the health of our population in the process.

Everyone has a part to play in delivering this plan and by working together, we will achieve more and deliver sustainable healthcare.

Lots of work is already under way at the Trust and you can find out more here.

For further information about sustainable healthcare at UH Bristol please contact