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Christmas 2024

And we are off for Christmas 2024! Below is what we know so far about our Christmas activities, but keep an eye on our Facebook page for further updates and information.

We have a great Christmas programme planned in the hospital and details of activities will be posted in our main reception each week during December, so please have a look on the Grand Appeal display if you are with us.  Events in our main reception are open to all, but those taking place on wards and in the activity centre are open to inpatients and their siblings only.  Alternatively, our virtual entertainment, activities, and stories from previous years can still be found on YouTube and can be accessed by patients, families and staff both inside the hospital and at home. These have been delivered in partnership with The Grand Appeal's Arts Unleashed Programme.


Amazon Wishlists and donations

The Grand Appeal are very kindly coordinating our Christmas gift donations this year.  We have an Amazon wishlist but are also happy to receive funds to be allocated to the wards requests.  Using this system ensures that it is easy for the ward teams to distribute gifts to the right recipients.

If you feel you want to donate or contribute in a different way, please contact The Grand Appeal team to disccuss what may be possible:

Unfortunately we are unable to accept donations of second hand toys in order to meet our infection control requirements.

Christmas day

  • Patients will have gifts delivered to them on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.

Visiting over Christmas

  • There are no expected changes to our visiting over the holidays. Please check with the ward staff if you have specific questions about visitors for your child.


If you want to know more about any of our Christmas activities, you can:
  • Speak to the play person on your ward.
  • Contact the LIAISE team on 0117 342 8065 or via