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News Archive - 10

Norovirus update 13/2/09

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust is reminding people to avoid visiting its hospitals if they have had symptoms of diarrhoea and vomiting in the previous 48 hours.

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust weather update - 6 February 2009

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust weather update - 6 February 2009

The Bristol Royal Infirmarys switchboard was swamped this morning by calls from patients ringing in to cancel their appointments due to the severe weather conditions and travel problems in the Bristol and neighbouring areas.

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust statement on weather conditions

05 February 

The Trust, which runs eight city centre hospitals including the Bristol Royal Infirmary, reports ˜business as usual today, despite the severe weather conditions.

The Trust has comprehensive contingency plans to deal with the effects of bad weather and these are being put into place. 

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust recruits its 10,000th member

 28 January 2009

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust has recruited its 10,000th Foundation Trust member.

Jack Roberts, aged eight, from Portishead, thought it was ˜cool to be the 10,000th member to sign up, and couldnt wait to tell his friends.

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust response to HPA C. diff figures

16 January 2009

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust is pleased that the figures show a reduction in the number of cases of clostridium difficile in our hospitals from 159 cases in April 2008 to 93 cases in September 2008. In the over 65 age group we have decreased cases by 38% and in the under 65 age group we have decreased cases by 48%.

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust response to Healthcare Commissions Emergency Department Survey 2008

14 January 2009 

The Trust was in the top 20 per cent nationally in terms of patients overall rating of the care they received while in the Emergency Department. The survey also shows a strong appreciation among patients for the way they were cared for by doctors and nurses while in the department.

Irene Scott, the Trusts Chief Operating Officer, says:

Look after yourself this Christmas

Bristol people are advised how to look after themselves with winter colds and flu and look out for Bank Holiday openings for health

Innovative communications tool for doctors wins major backing from Trust

15 December 2008

A new online system which helps NHS organisations communicate with their staff, launched by two junior doctors from Bristol, has won backing from University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust.

TB case prompts screening at University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust

10 December 2008

A healthcare worker from University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, based at the Bristol Royal Infirmary, has been diagnosed with multi-drug resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB).