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Norovirus Update

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust is reminding people to avoid visiting its hospitals if they have had symptoms of diarrhoea and vomiting in the previous 48 hours.

Norovirus is brought into hospitals from the local community and is easily spread by contact with people suffering diarrhoea and vomiting who may have contaminated the environment. Some patients do not realise they are already incubating the virus when they attend hospital.

Airborne spread occurs during episodes of vomiting, to those in close proximity at the time.

Symptoms appear 12 to 48 hours after exposure to the virus and can last for up to three days.

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust is asking people with symptoms of diarrhoea and vomiting not to present themselves for initial treatment at Accident and Emergency departments " they should first contact their GP or out-of-hours service for advice.

Those due to come into the hospital for an operation or appointment and have symptoms of diarrhoea and vomiting should phone ahead to let the nursing staff know and to get further advice.

Every year most UK hospitals, and also many schools and nursing homes are affected by Norovirus.

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust is continuing to restrict its visiting hours.  Visiting will only take place between 2pm - 3pm and 7pm - 8pm - two visitors only will be allowed per hour visiting session with no change of visitors during a single visiting session.  These visiting hours will remain the same for the winter period.

The Trust is asking parents not to bring children under the age of 11 to visit. These restrictions currently exclude childrens and maternity wards. Exceptions to these rules may be authorised by the ward sister or the nurse in charge in extraordinary circumstances. Please discuss with ward staff or phone ahead of your visit, if you have any questions.

Visitors are asked not to bring in food that could stay on lockers unwrapped such as crisps, chocolates, fruit or cake. Instead visitors are being asked to bring items that are individually wrapped.