Dr Elizabeth Perry
Completed undergraduate training at Birmingham University
Medical School. Diploma in sports and exercise medicine, has worked
at elite level at the National Institute of Sport and with the
England Women's Football U16/U18 and U21 football teams.
Postgraduate training in rheumatology and general internal medicine
in the Peninsular Deanery. Medical doctorate from the University of
Exeter in rheumatoid related lung disease.
Areas of Interest:
Specialises in rheumatoid arthritis, management of multiple
comorbities in autoimmune disease and rheumatoid related lung
disease. National level lead involvement in the British Society of
Rheumatology special interest group for Lung disease and Rheumatoid
Arthritis. Ongoing research into the association between rheumatoid
arthritis and bronchiectasis and the role for the lung as a
potential initiating site of autoimmunity in rheumatoid arthritis.
Departmental lead for the Rheumatoid Arthritis Pathway and the
National Early Inflammatory Arthritis Audit (NEIA).