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Information for Users


•         Opening Hours
•         Clinical Biochemistry, Haematology and Blood Transfusion
•         Sending Samples to the Laboratory
•         Comments and complaints
•         Protection of personal information

Location of the laboratory

Laboratory Medicine is located on level 8 of the Queens Building Bristol Royal Infirmary.

All visitors should report to reception and follow instructions provided by staff ( see model rules for visitors).

Laboratories for Haematology, Blood Transfusion and Clinical Biochemistry operate a full service with an essential services laboratory for Histology.

The UKHSA Laboratory is located at North Bristol NHS Trust. 

Opening hours

Core opening hours of the laboratories are 9am - 5:30pm. Outside these times a restricted service is available.

Clinical biochemistry, haematology and blood transfusion

On call biomedical scientists based in the laboratory will process requests from the core range of tests.

Staff on call can be contacted via the switchboard. Except for urgent blood transfusion requests there is no need to bleep staff to warn them that samples are being sent.

General Enquiries 9am - 5:30pm   Extension
Specimen Reception (Help Desk for results) 23080
Clinical Biochemistry Clinical advice 9am - 5:30pm               
Clinical Biochemistry (Duty Biochemist) 27834
Clinical Biochemistry (Paediatric Biochemist) 21299
Consultant is available out of hours via laboratory 
Haematology Clinical advice 
Contact SpR via switchboard 
On call laboratory service
Biochemistry Contact via switchboard
Haematology 22708 (Major haemorrhage call 2222)

Bacteriology and virology

Users must contact 0117 4146222 - Infection Sciences Service, North Bristol Trust.


0117 342 3196, 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Users must contact the on-call Biomedical Scientist via the switchboard for any samples that need processing outside of the core hours. 

Clinical advice is available outside of the core hours if required via an on call pathologist for all disciplines.

Sending samples to the laboratory

Samples should be accompanied by a current request form (see examples) and all samples should be labelled with the patients; name, identifier, date and time of collection and signed. Or if requested using ICE (Order Comms) the ward generated barcode must be placed on the correct sample and sent in a sealed sample bag. Each patient request must be sent in a separate sealed bag.

The laboratory will reject all transfusion samples that are not hand written with full information (see current policy). Unlabelled samples or where the bottle and request form do not match will not be processed by other departments (see current policy). Within UHBristol samples should be sent by porter, pneumatic tube or brought to the laboratory. All samples should be transported with due regard to current safety requirements in a sealed bag attached to the request form. Large number of samples should be placed in an appropriate box prior to transport (see arrangements for the transport of sample).

Comments and complaints

We always welcome feedback (suggestions for improvement, complaints or compliments) from our users regarding our services. If you wish to contact us, please do so by email, telephone or letter, explaining the area of concern.

The Pathology Head of Service is: Adrian Brown

The Pathology Deputy Head of Service is: Patrick Simms

The Pathology Quality Manager is: Natalia Casey              

If you feel we have not adequately resolved your query or concern, our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints Team will be happy to help you. 

We follow the Trust Complaints procedure (available on request) and have incorporated this into our own departmental policy. An official complaint received will be acknowledged and responded to within three working days. The complaint is then processed within an agreed timescale with the complainant, although we aim to fully investigate and resolve the issue within 30 days. All complaints are discussed at management meetings to ensure those relevant to the issue are made aware and can help decide and implement any corrective actions.

User surveys and feedback

User survey feedback reports can be accessed by clicking on the hyperlinks below.

Laboratory User Survey Response 2023

Blood Sciences Laboratory User Survey Response 2022

Blood Sciences Laboratory GP User Survey 2021

Blood Sciences Laboratory Hospital User Survey Response 2020

Blood Sciences Laboratory GP User Survey Response 2019

Blood Sciences Laboratory Hospital User Survey Response 2018 

Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Screening User Survey Response 2021

Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Screening User Survey Response 2020

Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Screening User Survey Response 2019

Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Screening User Survey Response 2018

Protection of personal information

Laboratory medicine comforms to the current Trust information governance standards. Our computer systems are appropriately managed to secure data and our paper records are secure and disposed of appropriately. If you would like any further information, please contact our head of service.