The Department provides a comprehensive clinical, analytical and
interpretative service in all aspects of Haematology to UHBristol,
surrounding GPs and act as a referral centre for other hospitals
locally, regionally and through out the UK.
Head of Department - Dr Ulrika
Haematology Clinical Laboratory Lead - Dr Sarah
Laboratory Manager - Mr Adrian Brown
Consultant Haematologists - Dr Priyanka Mehta, Dr
Andrew Mumford, Dr Tom Latham, Dr Sanne Lugthart
Analytical Service
The department provides a comprehensive
repertoire of tests delivered by six sections in the
Haematology (Section Leader Mr
Alexander Macphie)
The Haematology section offers routine Full
blood counts, Blood film and CSF cytospin (from leukaemia, lymphoma
patients) examinations, Bone marrow film staining, Malaria
screening and species identification, ESRs, Plasma viscosities,
Haemoglobinpathy Screening including Antenatal Screening,and G6PDH
Blood Transfusion (Blood Bank
Manager Mr Stephen White)
The Blood Transfusion offers routine automated
and manual blood grouping and antibody screening and
identification. Red cell electronic issue. Red cell and granulocyte
cross matching is available. Products such as FFP,
cryoprecipitate, platelet concentrates, prophylactic anti-D, HAS
and clotting factor concentrates are also available.
Coagulation (Section Leader Mr
Christopher Doherty)
The Coagulation section offers both routine
and specialised coagulation investigations including INRs, APTTs
for anticoagulant control and monitoring, fibrinogens, D Dimers to
assist in the investigation of VTE, and factor assays.
Thrombophilia investigations and platelet aggregation studies are
also performed.
Immunology (Section Leader
Mr Christopher Doherty)
The Immunology section offers the following
specialist tests; Autoimmune profile (antinuclear antibodies,
mitochondrial antibodies, parietal cell antibodies, smooth muscle
antibodies and Liver, Kidney Microsomal antibodies),
Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA), Anti-dsDNA
antibodies, Anti Cardiolipin antibodies, Exctractable nuclear
(ENA)antibodies, Centromere antibodies Intrinsic factor antibodies,
Glandular fever testing and Rheumatoid
Molecular Haematology
(Southmead Hospital)
The Molecular Haematology section offers a
comprehensive specialist molecular diagnostic service to aid in the
diagnosis of haematological malignancy. Tests offered are:
Prothrombin gene mutation analysis, Factor V Leiden mutation
analysis, Haemochromatosis mutation analysis. Thiopurine
methyltransferase (TPMT) genotyping, Jak2/Mpl mutation analysis,
FLT3 gene analysis, Nucleophosmin (NPM1) mutation analysis,
Leukaemia associated chromosomal abnormalities, Quantitative PCR
for bcr-abl, Clonal rearrangement of the T-cell receptor and
analysis of IgVH mutational status in CLL.
Flow Cytometry Section (Section Leader Dr
Ulrika Johansson)
The Flow Cytometry section offers the
following tests; Leukaemia and lymphoma immunophenotyping including
Minimal Residual Disease assays for Acute Leukaemia and CLL, CSF
analysis, CD34 stem cell enumeration, foetal maternal haemorrhage
quantitation and Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria
Out of Hours Sevice
The Haematology department provides a full 24 hour service for
routine tests. For specialised tests, discussion with the out of
hours Biomedical Scientist (X 22579) and the on-call Haematologist
(contactable via the switchboard) are required.
Clinical Services
The department provides specialist advice on the appropriateness
and interpretation of Haematology tests via Biomedical Scientists
and Clinical Haematology Staff.
Research and Development
The department encourages R&D and regularly presents
its work at national and international meetings. The department's
USTAR (Unit for Studies, Trials and Research) service also
facilitates the undertaking of clinical trails and research
projects through out the trust.
Training and Development
The department is fully accredited for the training of
all laboratory staff. It has extensive inputs into both under- and
post-graduate teaching at the Universities of Bristol, West of
England and Bath.
For more information on our services choose from the following