Clinical Biochemistry Faq
How do I request additional tests on a
sample already received by the laboratory?
Requestors are reminded that add-on tests can
take additional time due to the nature of the process.
For ED and other acute care locations, it may be quicker to send a
fresh sample to the laboratory. We ask that the laboratory is not
telephoned to confirm receipt of these additional requests as this
also slows down the internal process.
If you require additional tests on a sample
already sent to the laboratory follow the guidelines below. Samples
are routinely retained for a minimum of 5 days.
There is no need to contact the laboratory
directly if your request meets the criteria below. Please send an
ICE mail.
Add-on requests are restricted as
Acute investigations
- Troponin I, HCG, Cortisol, vitamin D (25D)
- Calcium, Phosphate, Magnesium, Uric acid
- Lipase, Creatine Kinase (CK), Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, <4
days old)
- Paracetamol, Salicylate (if sample <48h old)
- Procalcitonin (if sample <24h old and for ITU and BHOC. Also
from COVID (blue) wards)
Time Critical and Difficult To Collect Samples
- All therapeutic drug assays including antibiotic assays
- Ferritin, Vitamin B12, Folate (if sample <48h old) and
Transferrin saturation
- Lipid profile
- Confirmation of positive Opiate Screens
- Investigations on CSF samples
- A606 Pre-op (AKA POD)
Specific Patient groups
- Paediatric and neonatal samples for routine biochemistry (not
specialist metabolic investigations).
- Samples from outpatients, or from GPs
For requests that fall outside this repertoire please call Duty
Biochemist within working hours (9:00am - 5:30pm) on extension
27834 or the on-call Consultant Biochemist out of hours via
switchboard to discuss the clinical need.
For Haematology add on requests (apart from B12 / Folate) please
continue to request normally or call Pathology Help Desk on
extension 23080
The following are NOT
available for adding as an additional
request at any time:
- Lactate, glucose, ethanol if no fluoride (Grey top) sample was
- Tests which require the sample to have been sent chilled on ice
(e.g. ACTH, ammonia).
- Bicarbonate
- Specialist metabolic investigations
The following are NOT
available for adding if sample >24
- Conjugated bilirubin
- Insulin & C-peptide
- IGF1
- Growth hormone
- Procalcitonin
The following are NOT
available for adding if sample >48
- Vitamin B12
- Folate
- Oestradiol
- Paracetamol
How do I fill out a request form?
Request forms should not be used, please use ICE order
How long are samples kept in the
Samples are kept in a cold store for approximately 5
If I have a problem with ICE do I ring the
All ICE queries should be directed to an appropriately
trained person on your ward.
I ring the help desk but I can't get
The help desk number for general enquiries for Clinical
Chemistry & Haematology (samples, results, urgent requests) is
extension 23080. Haematology specific queries (test advice)
ext 22708
I have lots of different tests to request, how do I know
which sample tube to use and how many tubes do I need?
ICE should give the information of the number and type of
container required during entry and the information is also printed
on the barcode label. Alternatively use the departmental user handbooks for
sample information.
Should I collect lots of samples from
a patient?
No, any extra blood tubes collected, not required for analysis
will be discarded.The exception is blood collected from
children. All paediatric blood samples will be used.