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Laboratory Medicine


Dr Andrew Day - Head of Clinical Biochemistry

Dr Ulrika Johansson - Consultant Clinical Scientist, Clinical Lead for Haematology

Dr Sarah Westbury  - Haematology Consultant Laboratory Lead

Blood Science

Adrian Brown - Head of Service

Patrick Summs - Deputy Head of Service


About the service

Laboratory Medicine is a clinically-led discipline where an advisory and analytical service is available at all times. Duty medical staff in the the two disciplines of Clinical Biochemistry and Haematology are pleased to discuss clinical problems and advise on the most appropriate way to investigate a patient at any time.

Laboratory Medicine is located on level 8 of the Queen's Building Bristol Royal Infirmary. Reception for samples and visitors is on level 8. All visitors should report to reception and should follow the instruction provided by staff. Information for users can be found here.

Details of laboratory accreditation can be found here.

Laboratory normal working hours:
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.30pm

Outside these times a restricted service is available.

Clinical Biochemistry, Haematology and Blood Transfusion
On call biomedical scientists based in the laboratory will process requests from the core repertoire of tests. Staff on call can be contacted by bleep. Except for urgent blood transfusion requests there is no need to bleep staff to warn them that samples are being sent.

General enquiries and results
Tel no: 0117 342 3080

Urgent requests - out of hours service by on-call BMS who can be contacted via the BRI switchboard, tel no: 0117 923 0000.

Out of hours duty medical staff for Haematology can be contacted via the BRI switchboard, Tel no: 0117 923 0000.  For Clinical Biochemistry via the on-call BMS. 

Specialist Clinics

Lipid Clinic

Dr Eloise Willis
Tel no: 0117 342 4543


Anticoagulant clinic

Blood samples taken, INR performed and patient dosed. GP is informed of details.

Outpatient clinic for oral anticoagulant counselling.
Postal oral anticoagulant monitoring service.

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Anticoagulant help desk
Tel no: 0117 342 3874


Protection of personal information

The department follows the Trust's policies on data protection and confidentiality to ensure the safety of our patients and users. Our computer systems are appropriately managed to secure data and our paper records are secure and disposed of appropriately. If you would like any further information, please contact the Head of Service.