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Day surgery - Queen's Day Unit

What we do

The Queen's Day Unit is a purpose built unit opened in 2006 that provides a wide variety of endoscopic and day surgery procedures. We are situated at location A414 (level 4) of the Queen's Building at the Bristol Royal Infirmary.

We have two operating theatres which provide day surgery in the specialties of orthopaedics, oral surgery (dental), gastro-intestinal, general, vascular, cardiac, breast and maxillo-facial.

There are four endoscopy rooms which undertake procedures for respiratory, urology, gastro-intestinal, and hepato-biliary specialities. Examples of these procedures are gastroscopy, bronchoscopy, cystoscopy and colonoscopy.

In addition, the unit also cares for patients who undergo procedures for the management of chronic pain, patients requiring liver biopsy, and patients who require intravesical treatments following urological surgery.

Also situated within the unit is the Physiology unit, where patients attend to have various investigations including pH manometry, anorectal physiology, biofeedback and breath testing for malabsorption and Helicobacter infection

The unit is very busy, seeing up to 90 patients a day, the majority of which are day cases. As a consequence we have a multi-skilled workforce in order to meet patient needs. Our unit is a learning environment and we have a key role in supporting the development of medical and nursing students.

Our specialisms

Gastroenterology and hepatology:

Our multidisciplinary team includes one professor of gastroenterology, five consultants in gastroenterology and hepatology, and a number of supporting specialist nurses. We provide a regional referral service for digestive disorders, which comprise diseases of the gut and liver. Our diagnostic and interventional endoscopy service includes gastroscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, ERCP, and endoscopic ultrasound.

We provide a consultant-led 24 hour endoscopy service for acute intestinal bleeding which is complemented by the provision of the regional interventional radiology service for the treatment of bleeding varices. In addition we have three dedicated high dependency beds for acute intestinal bleeding.

Our areas of expertise include inflammatory bowel disease, nutrition and intestinal failure, viral hepatitis, alcohol and fatty liver disease, metabolic liver disease and cancers of the liver. We are recognised both nationally and internationally for our research into the causes and treatments of digestive disorders.

Colorectal Unit:

This provides a complete diagnostic and interventional service for lower gastrointestinal disease. It is staffed by four dedicated colorectal consultant specialists. There is expertise for the provision of diagnostic flexible sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy. Our prospectively collected results show that the completion rates and comfort for these tests is above the national average and the complication rate is low.

We also have a full interventional service to include polypectomy, stricture dilatation and endoscopic mucosal resection. There is unique expertise within this region providing endoscopic ultrasound of large rectal polyps and early cancers. We also provide a service to place stents into obstructing colorectal cancers.

We have a history of training in colonoscopy and are in the process of arranging a bid to become one of the National Bowel Screening Centres.

There is a Regional Anorectal Physiology Laboratory which runs along side our service. This provides extensive investigation and treatment of functional colorectal disorders particularly those related to the pelvic floor.

Upper gastro-intestinal and hepato-biliary surgery:

We provide a full range of diagnostic and therapeutic upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy including ERCP, endoscopic ultrasound, endoscopic stenting, endoscopic mucosal resection and Argon ablation.

We were one of the first centres in the UK to employ endoscopic ultrasound and now use this for the staging of oesophago-gastric and pancreatic malignancy. In addition, endoscopic ultrasound is helpful in the diagnosis (and occasional treatment) of complicated benign pancreatic and biliary pathology.

We use argon ablation to treat upper gastro-intestinal vascular lesions, benign and dysplastic Barrett's epithelium, early malignant lesions of the upper gastrointestinal tract and bleeding peptic ulcers.

We also treat gastric and duodenal polyps and mucosal lesions by endoscopic mucosal resection, so avoiding the need for major open surgery.

Laparoscopy and laparoscopic ultrasound is used in the day surgery theatre for the assessment of patients with oesophago-gastric, liver, biliary and pancreatic malignancy and complex benign upper disease. We also perform laparoscopic cholecystectomy and laparaoscopic bile duct exploration.

Contact us

Location A414
Queen's Building,
Bristol Royal Infirmary,
Marlborough Street,

Tel: 0117 342 0048

Patient information leaflets

Referral information for clinicians