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What we do

We see around 40,000 children each year in our department and approximately 25% of all children who present to the emergency department are admitted to the hospital. Nationally we have one of the lowest admission rates and our outcomes for Paediatric Major Trauma are amongst the best in the UK. The department is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year and we see and treat all children with medical, surgical, trauma-related and mental health emergencies.

In addition to the department's clinical work we are also actively engaged in activities to improve patient care through clinical governance, patient safety, quality improvement and audit and research. The emergency department participates in a range of national and international research programmes to improve emergency care for children including those linked to PERUKI.  The department has an active paediatric simulation programme with support from the Bristol Medical Simulation Centre and programmes of education and learning for registrars and nursing staff.