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What is a splint for?

A part of the body may need a period of immobilisation following injury or surgery to allow the tissues to heal properly. The splint has been made to ensure that the joints are held in the best position for recovery.


When should I wear it?

Every patient's splint will have a different regime. For example some should be worn 24hrs a day, others for night time only. You should have been clearly instructed by your OT as to what your splinting regime is. If you areat allunsure please contact us immediately to check.


How long should I wear it?

Again the length of time a splint is worn for is dependant on the injury for which it was made. A clear plan should have been made with your OT. If you have any queries about this please contact us.


How should I look after my splint?

The most important factor in splint care is to keep the splint away from heat. For example; water heaters, dryers, prolonged sunlight on a window sill or in a car. Splints are made from a thermoplastic material which when subject to heat will cause the splint to change shape therefore stop them providing the function for which they were made.

Should I clean my splint?

If a splint is placed within bandaging it should be left until the next dressing change.

If a splint has been fixed with straps so that it can be easily removed, it would be good to clean it when ever it is looking soiled. Splints may be washed in tepid (not hot) or cool water with mild detergent and gently dried (with a towel or air dried).


What other things should I look out for?

Splints are moulded to the body and contoured for the most comfort. However if the splint causes any of the following please contact your OT immediately:

  • Pressure areas or red marks that do not go away within one hour of removing the splint
  • Excessive stiffness pain or numbness
  • Increased swelling


What if my splint gets damaged?

If your splint or the straps get lost, damaged or misshapen in any way please contact us immediately.

Other Questions?

It's really important that the splint does its job properly so if you haveanyother questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. If we are not able to speak to you directly please leave a message with the best number to contact you on and we will get back to you as soon as we can.