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Welcome to Burns Therapy

The role of Therapy in Burns

Therapy is a very important part of the burns journey as it focuses on enabling the child to return to their pre-injury level of function. The role of the burns therapist is to:

  •       Maintain correct joint/postural positioning and protect the wound as it heals
  •       Promote early mobility and play
  •       Prevent deformity from contracture
  •       Increase exercise tolerance
  •       Educate regarding skin care and desensitisation
  •       Liaise and educate community therapists in preparation for discharge
  •       Assess for equipment needs
  •       Scar management
  •       Support the child to reintegrate to school, hobbies and leisure activities 

Please view this leaflet, which has been designed to provide knowledge about burn injuries to help children make the smooth transition from hospital back to school, pre-school or nursery. It includes information about scarring, pain, itch and other topics.


The Therapy Team

Rebecca Johns - Lead Occupational Therapist/Scar Management
Amy  Pilkington - Lead Physiotherapist
Emily Dickerson - Rehab/Play Therapy Assistant


Service hours

Monday to Friday 7:45am - 4:30pm

Contact details:

Tel: 0117 342 7910