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Severe Asthma

A minority of children and young people have asthma symptoms which remain uncontrolled despite being prescribed high doses of conventional therapy. These children and young people are considered to have severe asthma.

Difficult Asthma

Often there are reasons for asthma being difficult to control; other medical conditions may be confused with asthma or make asthma symptoms worse, or asthma medication may not be taken as prescribed, particularly if it is complicated or time consuming to take.

Severe Therapy Resistant Asthma

Children and young people who struggle to keep their symptoms under control on an ongoing basis, despite following the basics of asthma management, have severe therapy resistant asthma and might benefit from specialised investigation and targeted specialist therapy.

What to expect in the Severe Asthma Clinic

In the Severe Asthma clinic you will see a specialist nurse and doctor and at most appointments we would like you to do lung function tests to check your breathing. Your appointment will last 45 minutes. It is very helpful if you bring all your medications and devices such as spacers with you. It also helps to bring your asthma plan if you have one and any letters you might have from recent hospital visits. Please let us know as soon as you can if you would like to change your appointment date or time.