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Living well with asthma


It can be worrying to send your child to nursery or school after being diagnosed with asthma. There are several resources available to help parents/carers and children feel supported. Read more


People with asthma can have a career in many different fields. Some jobs may require precautions or Occupational Health assessments to check eligibility. Entry to the armed forces is limited and will depend upon how recently medication was prescribed or required. Careers such as joinery, plumbing, mechanics, hairdressing and any other work environment where dust or chemicals may be a trigger for asthma are challenging for young people with asthma. Read more


Staying active with asthma is important for your physical and mental health. If you get troublesome symptoms when exercising tell your doctor. We can change your medicines to help. For example, some people take their reliever medicine before sport. Read more


For people living with asthma, stopping smoking or not being around others who are smoking will help improve symptoms and reduce attacks.

Find your local "Stop smoking" services.

Financial support 

In England, children under the age of 16 and young people under the age of 19 who are in full time education can get free prescriptions. You might be eligible for NHS transport costs if you are on a low income. Find out what help could be available, to help you with the cost of living. Read more