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Information for professionals

All children admitted with asthma and those seen on two or more occasions will be seen in the secondary care asthma clinic. We also offer nurse led follow up clinics. We do not offer a lung function only service but do offer an advice and guidance service. We welcome referrals to the Consultant Nurse Clinic and Severe Asthma Service which meet the below criteria.

Consultant Nurse clinic

Any child or young person aged 3 years or over, diagnosed with troublesome viral induced wheeze or asthma that is currently sub-optimally controlled.

Any child or young person aged 4 years or older, either diagnosed or with a suspected diagnosis of asthma wheeze presenting with any of the following:

  • One or more admission for wheeze within the last 12 months
  • Two or more emergency attendances or oral steroids courses for wheeze within the last 12 months

Severe Asthma clinic

  • Suspicion of significant exacerbating factors or additional diagnoses, including breathing pattern disorders
  • Maintenance or frequent courses of oral steroids (four weeks or more in last year)
  • Complex psychosocial / safeguarding issues
  • Children under consideration for biological agents or immunosuppressive treatment

Ongoing poor control despite optimised management with high dose inhaled corticosteroids and a long acting beta agonist. Poor control being defined as one or more of:

  • Persistent chronic symptoms (most days for more than three months) or an Asthma Control Score under 20
  • Prescription of more than six salbutamol inhalers per year
  • Persistent airflow obstruction (FEV₁ <80% post bronchodilator)
  • Two or more attacks within the past year requiring hospital admission
  • Pediatric Intensive Care Unit admission within the past two years

Please outline in your referral the main reason for referral, current and past medications, and details of previous investigations and recent hospital admissions.