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Cardiovascular disease in the United Kingdom

Cardiovascular disease accounts for almost half of all death in the UK, no less for women than men. Heart disease alone kills more people each year than all types of cancer combined. Adverse health trends such as high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes, combined with an ageing population, presents us with major challenges over the coming decades. Better health care means that there are more people living with cardiovascular disease and its complications than ever before. However, providing more health professionals to deal with the current epidemic of cardiovascular disease does nothing to reduce its prevalence. Only through continued research will we understand why heart disease became such a huge problem at the beginning of the twentieth century and how we might confine it to history in the twenty-first.

Bristol Heart Institute research - "Translating basic science onto clinical practice"

The Bristol Heart Institute (BHI) was founded in 1995 by basic and clinical scientists wishing to work collaboratively. Based on our success, the BHI has expanded substantially since then. Current researching funding is over £60 million supporting 235 research personnel located in the University of Bristol and across Bristol NHS Trusts. Our mission is to translate basic scientific research into novel clinical practice, thereby improving patient outcome and care. We bring together internationally respected experts from many disciplines of cardiovascular science and disease.

With a proven track record of translating basic science into clinical practice and health policy, we also translate observations at a human population level back to basic science in order to obtain a causal understanding of disease mechanisms.

The way forward

Bristol is now one of the leading centres for cardiovascular disease research in the UK.  From basic science to clinical studies and population epigenetics, it already has nationally and internationally recognised strengths in cardiovascular research. These achievements would not have been possible without the collaborative opportunities provided by the BHI, but we recognise that there is potential to deliver a great deal more. To this end, we are extending our research resources, expertise and collaboration by the expansion and strengthening of local links to the University of the West of England and Bristol Primary Care Trust, and to the wider research community of south-west England and south Wales.

The Bristol Heart Institute Medical Centre

The new Bristol Heart Institute Medical Centre opened its doors to patients in May 2009. Funded by the Department of Health, this state-of-the-art £60 million centre unites cardiology and cardiac surgery as well as cardiac imaging and research. The centre is part of University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust working in partnership with the University of Bristol.