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Dr Robert Tulloh

Name:   Dr Robert Tulloh Tulloch
Current Post:  

Consultant in Paediatric Cardiology and Pulmonary Hypertension
Hon Reader in Congenital Heart Disease, University of Bristol
Director of Medical Education, UH Bristol NHS Foundation Trust


Paediatric Cardiology
Pulmonary Hypertension
Kawasaki Disease
Medical Education

Medical qualifications:  



Date of registration:   1985
Membership of professional bodies:  

Fellow Royal College of Physicians
Fellow Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
Fellow Royal Society of Medicine
Member British Congenital Cardiac Association
Member Association of European Paediatric Cardiologists
Member Bristish Cardiovascular Society






Special clinical interests:  

Pulmonary hypertension
Kawasaki Disease


Professional profile/background:  

Dr Robert Tulloh is a Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, Honorary Reader in Pulmonary Hypertension at the University of Bristol and Director of Medical Education for University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust. He graduated in Medicine at Oxford University, trained in Paediatrics, and specialised in Paediatric Cardiology. His training in Paediatric Cardiology included two years as a Research Fellow at the Institute of Child Health, undertaking research work on neonatal pulmonary hypertension. 

His special area of interest is pulmonary hypertension, and he is involved actively in research to develop new methods of assessing pulmonary hypertension in the MRI scanner and in new medication to treat pulmonary hypertension in children and adults with congenital heart disease.   

Dr Tulloh has long been involved in education and teaching for congenital heart disease. He has written several educational book chapters, has more than a hundred published papers and has given many presentations at international meetings.



