Relevant publications

Please see team profiles for PATHWAYS team
Al'Absi, M., & Arnett, D. K. (2000). Adrenocortical
responses to psychological stress and risk for
hypertension.Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy,54(5),
Bradford R, & Tulloh R. (2008) Diagnosis and Management of
Pulmonary hypertension in adult congenital heart disease.Br J
Cardiac Nurs3, 138-45
Brown, K. W., & Ryan, R. M. (2003). The benefits of being
present: Mindfulness and its role in psychological
well-being.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(4),
Carlson, L. E., Speca, M., Faris, P., & Patel, K. D. (2007).
One year pre-post intervention follow-up of psychological, immune,
endocrine, and blood pressure outcomes of mindfulness-based stress
reduction (MBSR) in breast and prostate cancer outpatients.Brain,
Behaviour, and Immunity,21, 1038-1049.
Carlson, L. E., Speca, M., Patel, K. D., & Goodey, E.
(2003). Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in Relation to Quality
of Life, Mood, Symptoms of Stress, and Immune Parameters in Breast
and Prostate Cancer Outpatients.Psychosomatic Medicine,65,
DOH (2010) Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention
(QIPP) (online). Available at
Department of Health. (2009). NHS 2010-2015: From good to great.
Preventative, people-centred, productive. Gateway Ref:
Galiè, N., Beghetti, M., Gatzoulis, MA., Granton, J., Berger, R. M., Lauer, A., Chiossi, E., Landzberg, M. (2006) Bosentan therapy in
patients with Eisenmenger syndrome: a multicenter, double-blind,
randomized, placebo-controlled study. Circulation.
Galiè N, Hoeper M M, Humbert M, et al (2009) Guidelines for the
diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary hypertension.Eur. Heart J.30:
2493 - 2537
Grossman, P., Niemann, L., Schmidt, S., & Walach, H. (2004).
Mindfulness-based stress reduction and health benefits. A
meta-analysis.Journal of Psychosomatic Research,57(1),
Juster, R., McEwen, B. S., & Lupien, S. (2009). Allostatic
load biomarkers of chronic stress and impact on health and
cognition.Neuroscientific and Biobehavioural Reviews,35,
Katon, W. & Ciechanowski, P. (2002). Impact of major
depression on chronic medical illness.Journal of Psychosomatic
Research,53, 859-863.
Kawut, S. M., Horn, E. M., Berekashvili, K. K., Lederer, A. C.,
Rosenzweig, E. B., & Barst, R. J. (2006). Selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitor use and outcomes in pulmonary arterial
Löwe, B., Gräfe, K., Ufer, C., Kroenke, K., Grünig, E., Herzog,
W., & Borst, M. M. (2004). Anxiety and depression in patients
with pulmonary hypertension.Psychosomatic Medicine, 66(6),
McEwen, B. E., & Stellar, E. (1998). Stress and the
individual: Mechanisms leading to disease. Archives of
International Medicine, 153(18), 2093-2101.
McKenna SP, Doughty N, Meads DM, Doward LC, Pepke-Zaba J (2006)
The Cambridge Pulmonary Hypertension Outcome Review
(CAMPHOR).Quality of Life Research. 15 (1); 103-115.
McLaughlin, V. V., & McGoon, M. D. (2006). Pulmonary
arterial hypertension.Circulation,114, 1417-1431.
Merkes, M. (2010). Mindfulness-based stress reduction for people
with chronic diseases.Australian Journal of Primary Health,16,
Mumford, E., Schlesinger, H. J., & Glass, G. V. (1982). The
effects of psychological intervention on recovery from surgery and
heart attacks: An analysis of the literature.American Journal of
Public Health,72(2), 141-151.
National Audit of Pulmonary Hypertension. (2010).The NHS
Information Centre.
Reibel, D. K., Greeson, J. M., Brainard, G. C., Rosenzweig, S.
(2001). Mindfulness-based stress reduction and health-related
quality of life in a heterogeneous population.General Hospital
Psychiatry,23(4), 183-192.
Rosmond, R., & Bjorntorp, P. (2000). The
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity as a predictor of
cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke.Journal of
International Medicine,247, 188-197.
Speca, M., Carlson, L., Goodey, E., & Angen, M. (2000). A
randomized, wait-list controlled clinical trial: The effect of a
mindfulness meditation-based stress reduction program on modd and
symptoms of stress in cancer outpatients.Psychosomatic Medicine,62,
Ware J.E., Kosinski M., Dewey J.E. (2000).How to Score Version
Two of the SF-36 Health Survey. Lincoln, RI: QualityMetric,
Wirtz, P. H., von Känel, R., Emini, L., Ruedisueli, K.,
Groessbauer, S., Maercker, A., & Ehlert, U. (2007). Evidence
for altered hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis functioning in
systemic hypertension: Blunted cortisol response to awakening and
lower negative feedback sensitivity.Psychoneuroendocrinology,32,
Wryobeck, J. M., Lippo, G, McLaughlin, V., Riba, M., &
Reubenfire, M. (2007). Psychological aspects of pulmonary
hypertension: A review.Psychosomatics, 48(6); 467-475.