
The outpatient department on level 5 of the
BHI, provides clinical assessment and routine heart investigations.
The department is open from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm, except
for some evening clinics.
On arrival please report to reception where your personal
details will be checked. It is likely that basic observations
(heart rate, blood
pressure, weight and height) and simple investigations (ECG) will be carried out
before assessment in clinic. This may affect the time you are
seen for your clinic appointment.
Contact details
Outpatient appointments:
0117 342 6638
Outpatients Manager - Victoria Grivelle
0117 3426658

Pre-operative assessment
Before invasive testing or investigations you will be expected
to attend for pre-operative assessment. At this time you will
undergo routine observations, blood tests and other simple
investigations. Our pre-operative nurses will explain your planned
procedure and answer any questions you may have.
Further information
A patient's guide to coronary
angiography - patient information leaflet
Angioplasty - British Heart
Electrophysiology studies - Arrhythmia
Pacemaker insertion - Arrhythmia
Catheter ablation - Arrhythmia
cardioverter defibrillator