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Informed consent procedures and forms

The goal of the informed consent process is to establish a mutual understanding between the patient and the healthcare provider providing the care, treatment and services that the patient receives (Hospital Accreditation Standards, 2006).

Patients have a fundamental legal and ethical right to determine what happens to their own bodies. Valid consent to treatment is therefore absolutely central in all forms of healthcare, from providing personal care, to undertaking major surgery.

A range of guidance documents on consent are available from the Department of Health.

In order to make an informed choice about having a test or treatment, patients should expect to have the benefits and risk explained in full, plus a discussion regarding any potential alternative tests/treatments.

The health professional carrying out the procedure remains ultimately responsible for ensuring that the patient is able to give fully informed consent to the planned procedure. It is recognised that teamwork is an integral part of the consent process and delegation of some aspects of consent forms part of this teamwork approach, where the personnel have had appropriate training and have relevant knowledge. This is supported by the General Medical Council (2008) who state that responsibility for obtaining written consent may be delegated to nurses or other health care professionals, providing the person:

(a)        is suitably trained and qualified
(b)        has sufficient knowledge of the proposed investigation or treatment and understands the risks involved
(c)        understands, and agrees to act in accordance with, the GMC guidance (2008)

Consent forms are available to download via the links below. 

Angiogram with possible angioplasty and stenting 

Coronary angiography

Percutaneous coronary intervention