Pregnancy places a unique stress upon
the heart and women with cardiac disease require specialist advice
regarding family planning, and specialist supervision throughout
pregnancy, delivery and post-partum.
Because of the increasing number of
women of child-bearing age with congenital heart disease (CHD)
entering adulthood we now have increasing numbers of patients with
CHD becoming pregnant. Two-thirds of patients seen in our cardiac
antenatal clinic have CHD and managing the interaction between
their often complex hearts and the changes during pregnancy and
childbirth is challenging. We also see women with acquired heart
disease and inherited cardiac conditions.
The Royal College of Obstetricians and
Gynaecologists (RCOG), European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and
Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health (CEMACH)
recommend that pregnant women with heart disease are seen in joint
clinics, where each patient is reviewed by a multi-disciplinary
team consisting of an obstetrician, cardiologist, anaesthetist and
midwife. In Bristol, we provide the Gold standard model of care. We
see patients from all over the South West in our all day
twice-monthly clinic on the first and third Fridays of the month in
St Michael's Hospital in the Antenatal Clinic on Level E. Here
women can have consultations with all specialists, midwives, ECG,
echo and fetal ultrasound. In addition, we have a formal monthly
meeting where all cases are discussed. A delivery plan is
formulated is then filed in the mother's delivery notes and on the
Central Delivery Suite.
The Team
Dr Stephanie Curtis
Dr Mark Scrutton
Miss Jo Trinder
Mrs Tracey Bungay
Dr Claire Dowse
Miss Aarthi Mohan
Dr Issie Gardner
Miss Louise Ashelby
Dr Nicola Harvey
Dr Neil Muchatuta