What and where is ACHD Psychology
The psychology service for Adult Congenital Heart Disease
(ACHD), is a psychological service that supports patients with
challenges related to their congenital heart disease. We are a
lifespan service. Therefore, we work closely with the children's
psychology service to support you throughout life. We can also facilitate and support
your transition from child to adult congenital heart disease
services. Please
download our patient leaflet to find out more.

The Bristol Heart Institute is a Level 1 surgical centre,
Cardiff and Vale are Level 2, (non-surgical, specialist cardiology)
and Level 3 centres are specialist local centres which work with
patients who have less complex disease. The consultant
cardiologists' from Bristol offer joint clinics as part of their
satellite service. The location of current satellite clinics are
listed below. Patients who attend these satellite clinics, can
request ACHD Psychology input via their medical consultant or
clinical nurse specialist. These sessions are often delivered via
telephone or virtual clinic. ACHD Psychology also offers
supervision and psychological consultation to those professionals
involved in a patients' care, by initially contacting the clinical
nurse specialist helpline 0117 342 6599 - the geographical area
covered is listed below.
- Torquay
- Barnstable
- Exeter
South Gloucestershire
South Wales (There are more than listed here)
The ACHD Psychology service is part of the Congenital Heart Disease
(CHD) Network.
View a full detailed
map on the Congenital Heart Disease Network South Wales and South
West website.