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Sheena Vernon

Sheena VernonSheena Vernon, Clinical ACHD Nurse Specialist

Sheena has been working as a clinical nurse specialist in ACHD for 10 years and set up the three nurse specialist posts in Bristol. Prior to this she was a CICU sister. She is a member of the Department of Health Advisory Group for Adult Congenital Heart Disease is current President of the British Adult Congenital Cardiac Nurses Association. She was elected to the British Association for Nursing in Cardiovascular Care Council in 2009 and was involved in developing the 2006 Commissioning Guide for Services for Young People and Grown-ups with Congenital Heart Disease. She has an MSc in Advanced Nursing Practice, presents regularly at meetings, and has published in The Journal of Cardiac Nursing. She runs ACHD nursing training in Bristol, including an annual ACHD training day for nurses and allied health professionals.