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Travelling to and from our hospitals

Most of our hospital sites are based within the centre of Bristol. The site map  shows the location of the hospitals and how to find us. There are more detailed instructions on how to reach each hospital under the your hospitals section of this website.

Our hospitals are located in very busy areas of the city, with severely restricted roadside parking. In the sections below we have information which will help you plan your journey.

Bristol Clean Air Zone

Our Bristol city centre hospitals are within the Clean Air Zone. Find out what you need to know before travelling to our hospitals.

Personal Travel Plan

The Personal Travel Plan tool helps you to work out all the possible routes to our hospitals by car, bus, bicycle, train or on foot. This has been built by Bristol City Council, so please give it a try in order to see how it can help you plan your journey. For more information please visit the Personal Travel Plan on the Travelwest website.

Patients and visitors
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Clean Air Zone
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Information for staff
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