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Showing 5 of 517 news items

UH Bristol partners with RVS to support older patients

Older people’s charity Royal Voluntary Service has partnered with University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust (UH Bristol) to launch a new suite of services to help older patients get better and return home sooner after a stay in hospital.    Read More

Making Bristol a happy and healthy city

How can Bristol become a happy and healthy city? This is the question Mayor George Ferguson, Liz Zeidler, Chair of the Bristol Green Capital Partnership, and Joint Director of Public Health at Bristol City Council Dr Sohail Bhatti, will explore at a debate as part of a new festival that examines the big issues facing health and care today.    Read More

Event shows green side of city hospitals

An event this Thursday at University Hospitals Bristol will highlight the link between health and the environment.    Read More

UH Bristol opens its doors this Saturday for Bristol Doors Open Day 2014

This Saturday University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust (UH Bristol) will be opening three parts of its hospital estate as part of Bristol Doors Open Day 2014.    Read More

Patient environment scores strong at city centre hospitals

A national patient-led assessment of healthcare providers has seen University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust score above the national average in all categories.    Read More