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News Archive - 6

Device to sniff out stomach bugs could save NHS millions

Odoreader5th February

Testing has begun on a device that can sniff out the presence of disease by smell, thanks to a £1.3 million award from the Wellcome Trust. OdoReader, developed by Chris Probert from the University of Bristol and Norman Ratcliffe from the University of the West of England, uses pioneering technology to rapidly diagnose Clostridium difficile, by ˜reading the odour of stool samples. Clostridium difficile may cause severe diarrhoea, especially amongst hospitalised patients.

Bristol Eye Hospital 200 years of visionary care

03 February 2010
University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust is launching a programme of events to mark the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Bristol Eye Hospital.

Bristol Eye Hospital is one of the country's leading specialist hospitals, at the forefront of ophthalmology and has been serving the people of Bristol since 1810.

New Director of Research appointed


David2nd February 2010

North Bristol NHS Trust and University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust are delighted to announce the appointment of a new Director of Research.

Professor David Wynick will advance and integrate the research agendas of the two trusts with those of the University of Bristol and University of the West of England. He takes up the new appointment on 1 March 2010.

New Partnership will promote healthcare innovation in the South West

A new body has been established in the South West which will focus on improving care across the region through research, innovation and best practice, and ensure effective and timely implementation of new developments in health.

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust is one of sixteen organisations across the region that will form the Health and Innovation Education Cluster South West (HIEC SW).

Patient Transport Service affected by weather

January 7th 2010 

Due to the ongoing severe weather conditions, Great Western Ambulance Service Trusts Patient Transport Service (PTS) will only be providing PTS for critical services.  This includes renal dialysis, oncology and haematology as well as urgent transfers and discharges from hospitals. 

Therefore, all PTS services for other hospital appointments are cancelled and this will continue until Monday 11th January, when a further assessment will be made and communicated.

New eating device retrains dietary habits and helps children lose weight

6th January 2010 

A new computerised device that tracks portion size and how fast people eat is more successful in helping obese children and adolescents lose weight than standard treatments, according to research published on today.

The Mandometer device, a portable computerised weighing scale, was developed at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm and helps to retrain individuals to eat less and more slowly by providing real-time feedback during meal times.

Adverse Weather Conditions " Helpline number for appointment cancellations

5th January 2010

Hospital patients who are unable to attend their appointments at University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust*, because of snow and ice, should call (0117) 342 6888 to cancel as soon as possible.  New appointments will be made in the usual way.

The Trust has comprehensive contingency plans to deal with the effects of bad weather and these are being put into place.

We are urging people not to attend A&E departments with minor ailments. Call NHS Direct on 0845 4647 for help and advice or contact your GP.

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust awards National Framework Contract

18 November 2009

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust has selected Salud dental software as part of its vision to establish a fully integrated paperless information and communications technologies (ICT) platform for patient treatment, dental education and research throughout the Bristol Dental Hospital and School. It will be implemented in the Bristol Dental School at the beginning of next year.

Bristol Heart Institute wins a blue plaque in Citys Environmental Awards

18th November 2009

The Bristol Heart Institute - University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trusts newly opened state-of-the-art hospital " has been awarded with its second prize within a week.  The Bristol Heart Institute brings together for the very first time, all cardiac services under one roof.