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Having haemophilia shouldn't stop you travelling but to stay safe it might mean you need to think about a few things in advance of doing so. There is lots of information available. You can read about top tips from thinking about medication to insurance here. There are treatment centres for haemophilia worldwide and this can be important to be aware if you are travelling. You can find the European ones here and worldwide here. Other things you might want to think about could include:

  • Ensuring that you have enough medication for you time away. If you are abroad it can sometimes be hard to get replacements.
  • Make sure you carry your medication in hand luggage If you are flying and get a doctors note about your condition and medication that shows the importance of it and implications of not having it with you. It can be important to contact the airline in advance to let them know.
  • Wear a medicalert identification bracelet.
  • Ensure you have travel insurance and an EHIC card.