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Local Funding

UHBW Research Capability Funding and Bristol and Weston Hospitals Charity Grants

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The aim of the UHBW Research Capability Funding (RCF) and Bristol and Weston Hospitals Charity (BWHC) schemes is to pump-prime larger grants, especially to NIHR, that will ultimately benefit UHBW patients, staff and the wider NHS.

There are three schemes:




Closing dates

Further details

Small RCF / BWHC Pump Priming Grants

up to £25,000

Medical or non-medical UHBW employee or university (Bristol or West of England) academic holding an honorary contract with UHBW

15 OCTOBER and 30 APRIL each year

Click here

BWHC Legacy Research Grants

up to £50,000

Researcher Development Funding

staff time up to 0.2fte for 6 months

Nurses, midwives, AHPs and Healthcare Scientists (NMA

Rolling call

Click here