Ear nose and throat
We offer a comprehensive ENT (ear, nose and
throat) service, with a team of ten surgeons. It is a regional
centre, working with The West of
England Cochlear Implant Programme and Speech and Language Therapy. We
run clinics both at St Michael's Hospital and at Southmead Hospital
(North Bristol Trust). Please note that some clinics are site
specific and we are unable to offer a choice of which hospital you
are seen at.
We provide a 'Nurse Treatment room' service, offering a full
range of ear treatments, which is run by a team of specialist
nurses and three advanced nurse practitioners.
We also provide a training facility for GP trainees.
If you are having surgery, you will have your pre-operative
assessment in A606. This department is run by ward sister Lisa
Philip Clamp (Consultant in ENT and Skull Base Surgery, Clinical
Director for ENT Surgery)
Claire Langton-Hewer
Michael Saunders
Graham Porter
Paul Tierney
Oliver Dale
Stephen Broomfield
Warren Bennett
Daniel Hajioff
Julian Gaskin
Linnea Cheung
Hiro Ishii
ENT advanced nurse practitioners
Andrew Hill
Gail Perkins
Tamsin Whyte
Aural care specialist nurses
Liz Budden
Amanda Withers
Chris Carr
Debbie Lytton
Clinical nurse specialists for Head and Neck
Rob Buller
Mel Speakman
Donna Graham
Tamsin Marsh
Clinical Scientist
Andrew Wilkinson
Conditions we treat
- Ear problems including ear infections, hearing loss, dizziness,
ear injuries, cosmetic deformities in children.
- Nose problems including nasal obstruction, sinusitis, nasal
injuries, cosmetic deformities following injury, abnormalities of
sense of smell.
- Throat problems including recurrent sore throat, difficulty
swallowing, hoarse voice.
- All neck lumps, including lumps in the thyroid and salivary
- All cancers arising in the head and neck.
- The Infant Feeding Specialist Midwives provide a tongue tie
division service for breastfeeding babies up to 12 weeks old, and
accept referrals from midwives, health visitors, GPs, and
breastfeeding supporters via this form.
Contact us
Ear Nose and Throat Department
Level C (ground floor)
St Michael's Hospital
Southwell Street
How to find us
Telephone contact numbers
ENT Appointments:
0117 342 6888
ENT Admissions:
0117 342 1835
0117 342 1836
0117 342 1837
ENT Ward A700 (Bristol Royal Infirmary):
0117 342 7700
Secretary to Mr Porter, Mr Tierney, Mr Dale and Mr
Support secretary:
0117 342 1833
0117 342 1832
Adult ENT:
Secretary to Mrs Langton-Hewer, Mr Saunders, Mr Bennett,
Mr Broomfield and Dr Wilkinson:
Support Secretary:
Paediatric ENT:
Mike Saunders Support Secretary:
0117 342 6713
0117 342 6714
0117 342 1618
Secretary to Mr Clamp, Mr Hajioff and Miss Cheung:
Support Secretary:
0117 342 1839
0117 342 6712
0117 342 1838
Secretary to Gail Perkins, Tamsin Whyte and Andrew
0117 342 6713