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Contact us

Bristol Regional Clinical Genetics Service
Level B
St Michael's Hospital
Southwell Street

Tel: 0117 342 5107

For Patients: If you are a patient looking to get in contact with the Clinical Genetics service please call the numbers provided on the 'Our Team' page to contact the staff member or team you require. 


Telephones are manned 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
An answerphone will be in use out-of-hours, weekends and bank holidays.

Satellite departments:

No local administrative support, please use Bristol contact details

Clinical Genetics
Musgrove Park Hospital
Tel: 01823 342592

Clinical Genetics
Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
Great Western Road
Tel: 03004 225517

Useful Links

Syndromes Without A Name (SWAN) UK  - Support and information to families of children with undiagnosed genetic conditions

Unique - Supporting, informing and networking families and individuals affected by rare disorders

Rare Disease UK - The national alliance for people with rare disease & all who support them

Genetic Disorders UK - support and information for those affected by a genetic disorder, and the charities and patient groups that support them

Contact - A charity for families with disables children

Genomics England - Set up to deliver the 100,000 Genomes Project, and continuing to support the NHS Genomic Medicine Service

Antenatal Results and Choices (ARC) - National charity helping parents and healthcare professionals through antenatal screening and its consequences

Macmillan Cancer Support - Information and support for individuals affected with cancer, their family members and health and social care professionals

British Heart Foundation - Providing information and support, and funding research for cardiovascular conditions

Cardiomyopathy UK - A national charity for individuals and family members affected by cardiomyopathy

Marfan Trust - Information and support for individuals and family members with Marfan Syndrome

Hypermobility Syndromes Association - Supporting individuals with hypermobility and the healthcare professionals who support them

Genomics Education Programme - Information and resources to prepare current and future NHS professionals to make the best use of genomics in their practice