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Transitional care ward 76


Ward 76 is on Level E, the top floor of the hospital.


It is a 16 bedded ward run by midwives, neonatal nurses, maternity assistants and nursery nurses.

Ward 76 has the same food and beverage facilities as ward 73.

Your care

Ward 76 is where babies can be cared for alongside their mothers, whereas in other units the baby would be nursed on the Special Care Baby Unit and the mother would be at home.

You and your baby may require admission to the transitional care ward if your baby needs extra observations or help with feeding and keeping warm. Some examples of babies that may need transitional care are:

  • Babies born before 37 weeks gestation;
  • Babies who weigh less than 2.5 kg at birth;
  • Babies of mums with diabetes;
  • Babies of mums on particular medication that can affect the baby after birth.

Most babies that go to Ward 76 need an extended stay before they are ready to go home, particularly if they have been born very prematurely.