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Inpatient services

Bristol Royal Infirmary is open for medical emergencies 24 hours a day and accessed through the emergency department or direct referral.     

Our inpatient hepatology service for Bristol is on Ward A900 at Bristol Royal Infirmary, which is a mixed specialty ward for liver and luminal    gastroenterology patients. Ward A900 is a 24 bedded ward that is normally roughly half hepatology patients. There are 11 cubicles which are individual rooms with ensuite bathrooms, as well as capacity for 4 high-care beds for patients who are very unwell and require closer monitoring, a procedure room that is used for day case paracentesis and GI bleeds, and a family room. There is an emergency endoscopy service 7 days a week with a range of highly specialised procedures.

If there are any issues whilst you or a loved one is an inpatient, please speak with the nurse in charge on the ward. We  greatly value patient, carer and family feedback regarding care received on the ward.      

For inpatient enquiries, please contact the A900 ward clerk on 0117 3427181. Visiting hours are between 11am and 7pm.

At Bristol Royal Infirmary the hepatology medical team offer an in-reach service on weekdays where a senior doctor will come and assess hepatology inpatients in the Acute Medical Unit to provide specialist advice early into the admission and aid a quick transfer to Ward A900.     

We also provide an inpatient Alcohol Nurse Specialist service to inpatients. Alcohol causes a wide range of serious conditions and the Alcohol Specialist Nurse team provide specialist intervention to alcohol dependent patients to safely detox from alcohol.