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Tests and procedures

Working out the cause of a liver problem and the extent of the problem often requires multiple tests. Your doctor or specialist nurse will be able to explain why they have recommended these tests, but some more information is available below.

Radiology scans

We work closely with the team in radiology to choose the right kind of scan that is best for you. Commonly these might include an ultrasound, CT or MRI. Please visit the radiology page for more information:  Radiology (

Some patients need to have a liver biopsy performed, which is the direct sampling of your liver tissue. If this is the case, the radiology team will talk to you in detail about the procedure and you will have a chance to ask questions about what to expect.

You can find out more about thes tests by downloading our patient information leaflets:

CT scan


Liver biopsy under ultrasound


Endoscopic procedures are commonly recommended for people with liver disease, especially in cirrhosis. These can include gastroscopy (also called 'OGD' or 'upper GI endoscopy') or endoscopic ultrasound (EUS). Please visit our endoscopy page for more information about our endoscopy department and endoscopic procedures: Endoscopy Queen's Day Unit (

Transient Elastrography by FibroScan ®

A FibroScan ® is a quick, safe and non-invasive test which looks at measuring liver stiffness, which in turn reflects liver scarring. It is a bit like an ultrasound scan - we place a small probe over the skin, just under your ribcage and send a painless vibration into the liver. It generally takes about 10 minutes and gives and instant result. This result can lead to a diagnosis of cirrhosis or reassurance that your liver is not showing signs of scarring. We perform FibroScan ® in the outpatient department following a referral, and as part of the Alright My Liver? outreach project.