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Support and leaflets

BLU support

Bristol Liver Unit Support Group or 'BLU Support' is a group of people living with liver disease and their loved ones. We currently meet online every 4 to 6 months for general discussion and to hear from guest speakers. We are always keen to find new members and new ideas for how we best support each other. If you are interested in joining or getting involved, please email us on:

Patient information leaflets

Please download our patient information leaflets to find out more.

Liver Cirrhosis Information For Patients With Advanced Chronic Liver Disease


Alright My Liver? Community Liver Health Checks


Nutrition in liver disease

Liver biopsy under ultrasound

Helpful websites/organisations

There are many organisations working to promote liver health and offer support to people with liver disease. Below are links to some of these that we recommend:

British Liver Trust

PBC Foundation

AIH Support

PSC Support

Hep C Trust