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What can I do on the ward?
There are two chill out rooms where you can socialise with other people on the ward if you'd like to. One of the rooms also doubles as a schoolroom during term-time.

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Every bed also has a TV, and there are plenty of videos and DVDs, books and board games. You can also borrow an iPad and Wi-Fi is available on request. 

Can my parents or carers stay with me?

Staff in store room

One parent or carer can stay on the ward overnight with you, and you are welcome to have other visitors from 8 o'clock in the morning until 8 o'clock at night.  If you are well enough, and there is time between your medicines or seeing the doctor, your relatives may be able to take you out. There are lots of good cafes and shops nearby.

What about the staff?

Sarah is the ward sister and she is in charge of the nursing team. You will have a named nurse on each shift who will be responsible for looking after you, as well as two or three other patients. You can ask them any questions you have and they will try to help you. 

The ward team will provide all of your meals and snacks too.  You will be asked each day what you would like to eat. It's important that you have chance to eat properly so we ask the doctors not to come round at meal times. It would be helpful to ask visitors not to come at mealtimes unless they are going to help you eat.

Can I come to see the ward before I come to stay?

If you still have questions about the ward or would like to arrange to visit us, you can contact the ward on 0117 342 8335.  If you need help with this, you can call LIAISE on 0117 342 8065.

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