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Once your child has had a cardiac procedure or has been diagnosed with cardiac condition which requires monitoring, you will be seen regularly as an outpatient to ensure your child stays fit and well.

cardiac nurse specialists

If you are local to Bristol, you will come to the hospital and be seen in the outpatients department.  If you live further away, it may be possible to offer you an appointment in one of our regional clinics or for your care to be shared with a specialist local team who can help support you.

The nature and frequency of your child's follow-up will depend on their diagnosis, but if you are concerned at any time that their condition has changed between appointments you can either contact your cardiologist or visit your GP who will do so on your behalf.

Your cardiac nurse specialist will also be available for you to contact for advice and support and there are a number of local and national organisations who can offer support and put you in touch with other families in a similar position. Please visit our Patient and Family Information page for more details.

The table below will help you contact your cardiac team:



Cardiac Nurse Specialist

Dr Andy Tometzki Torbay Cathy Harrington
Professor Rob Tulloh      Gloucester, Cheltenham and Swindon   

Cathy Harrington

Dr Rob Martin  Exeter Jessica Hughes
Dr Alison Hayes Truro and Plymouth Lisa Patten
Dr Mark Walsh Taunton Diane Barlow
Dr Bev Tsai-Goodman Barnstaple Jessica Hughes


You might also be interested in helping the cardiac service develop by sharing your feedback and offering to work with us on changes that would improve our service.  We occasionally write to families about this but if you have not received a letter and would be interested in taking part, please visit the LIAISE page for further information