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Manchester United's rising stars help Bristol researchers revolutionise heart health

A new research project, led by University of Bristol academics and the Bristol Heart Institute, to identify the effects of exercise on young people's hearts was announced on 28 Jan 2015. Manchester United's Academy players are being put through their paces having their hearts monitored by the latest imaging technology to give invaluable insights into how young people's hearts work while doing exercise.

The research partnership will investigate the fitness levels of 300 children while exercising, when the heart is working harder. Participants comprise 100 children born with heart conditions, 100 healthy children and adolescents and 100 elite junior athletes from the Manchester United Academy.

Dr Guido Pieles, NIHR-Clinical Lecturer in Paediatric Cardiology at the University of Bristol and Bristol Congenital Heart Centre, who is leading the research project, said: "This is a unique study, using the latest technology to image the heart while it's 'at work' during exercise. We hope it will enable us to improve scanning protocols and applications, lead to a more precise and earlier diagnosis of heart function abnormalities. 

Dr Graham Stuart, Senior Consultant and Sports Cardiologist at the Congenital Heart Unit in Bristol, added: "Exercise is a critically important cardiovascular function which has been neglected in recent years, we hope this research will lead to the development of innovative diagnostic and treatment strategies in young people with heart disease."