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South Wales and South West Congenital Heart Disease Network


What we do

The Network brings together clinicians, managers, patient/family representatives and commissioners from across the region, who work together to support patients of all ages with a congenital heart condition, and their families/carers.

The network comprises:

  • 18 adult and 19 paediatric providers, covering level 1 (specialist surgical), level 2 (specialist medical) and level 3 (local centre) services
  • Over 6,500 children and 8,000 adults with congenital heart problems
  • 30 clinics per week, seeing more than 20,000 outpatient attendances per year
  • Over 40 specialist and link nurses
  • 37 paediatricians with expertise in cardiology
  • 17 adult cardiologists with a specialist congenital interest
  • Over 425 heart operations per year
  • 11 patient and family representatives
  • A core network team, consisting of a Clinical Director, a Manager, a Lead nurse and a Support Manager.

The Network team is hosted by University Hospitals Bristol, but is an independent body and is accountable to its Board members.

To find out more about the network or for further information and support on congenital heart disease  please click here.