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National review of congenital heart disease services

In September 2014, NHS England launched twelve weeks of consultation on draft standards and service specifications for congenital heart disease (CHD) services. This will run until 5pm on 8 December 2014. You can find out more about the new congenital heart disease review, of which this is part, by visiting the NHS England website.

This Trust welcomes the start of this consultation on proposed future standards for services for patients with congenital heart disease. Once agreed, they will set out the requirements that all services are required to meet and will form the basis of contractual arrangements between NHS England and hospitals providing care. It is essential that together, we get this right, to ensure the continuing development of these important services.

Here at the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children our outcomes are good and we receive positive feedback from parents. In an ongoing survey of parents, 99% said they had received excellent, very good or good care. However, we are always looking to improve clinical outcomes and the experience of patients and families and are now reviewing our own services against these national standards.

NHS England consultation event, Bristol - 12 November

Clinicians and managers from Bristol Children's Hospital attended the NHS England consultation event on 12 November, part of the national consultation on proposed draft standards for child and adult heart services. Local heart patients, their families, representatives of patient support groups and other individuals also attended the event, to talk to NHS England commissioners about the proposed standards and how they would be implemented and share their views with clinicians from Bristol's cardiac unit.  Anyone with a view on the proposed standards can take part in the consultation, which closes on 8 December. University Hospitals Bristol welcomes the standards and will be responding formally to the consultation on both the paediatric and the adult congenital heart disease standards.