Waiting for your child's appointment or procedure
We are working hard to see patients from our waiting lists as
quickly and safely as possible. If your child is currently waiting
for an appointment or procedure with us, please be assured that we
have the referral and they have not been forgotten. Referrals are
regularly reviewed by our medical teams and we will be in touch as
soon as we are able to offer you a date and time.
If you would like reassurance, you are welcome to contact our
LIAISE team on 0117 342 8065 or by email bchinfo@uhbw.nhs.uk. The team
will be able to liaise with the relevant clinic coordinators to ask
any questions you have.
If your child's symptoms get worse while you are waiting for an
appointment, you should contact your GP who can assess their
condition, and if necessary, arrange further tests or seek advice
from a specialist. You can also contact NHS 111 for advice. If you
believe that your child's symptoms are life threatening, please
visit our Emergency Department.
The information on this page is designed to help you understand
and manage the wait for your child's appointment. If you have any
questions that are not answered, or any suggestions for information
that you think would be helpful on this page, please email bchinfo@uhbw.nhs.uk.
How to help your child stay well while you wait
Focussing on your child's health, while waiting for their
appointment or treatment, can have a positive impact on their
health and wellbeing. There may be some simple steps you can take
to maintain their physical and mental health, which could reduce
the chance of complications with treatment and speed up recovery
after surgery.
The following webpages offer some helpful advice.
and healthy living
Healthy eating for young children
Children's mental health and wellbeing support
You can also access specific
toolkits, written for children and parents by our Psychology
teams, which offer information and support about receiving
treatment or coming into hospital including how to manage
conversations about what to expect.
Preparing for surgery
If your child is waiting for surgery, you might like to watch
our helpful animation called, A Little Deep
Sleep, it is designed to help you understand what will happen
on the day. If you have further questions or worries about the
admission, particularly if your child has additional needs which
need to be considered, please let us know by contacting LIAISE on
0117 342 8065 or email bchinfo@uhbw.nhs.uk, so we
can plan any additional preparation once a date has been
You may also be interested in our
welcome videos, once you know which ward you will be visiting.
If your ward doesn't have a video, we can send you some pictures if
you would find it helpful. Just let us know.
Waiting for you child's appointment or procedure FAQs
Why are there delays to my child's
The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic together with the ongoing
industrial action has had a significant impact on our hospitals,
meaning that some of our patients are waiting longer than we'd like
for an appointment, procedure or surgery. We are working hard to
reduce our waiting lists, but we continue to face challenges from
high levels of demand on our services. Find the latest NHS average
waiting times for your appointment or procedure.
How long will I have to wait for my child's
All patients waiting for a routine operation or treatment are
prioritised according to their clinical priority. The most urgent
cases will be seen first which means that the waiting list can
change regularly. This means we can't be certain how long people
will have to wait for non-urgent operations or routine
appointments, but in some cases, this may be longer than 12 months.
Our clinical teams are constantly reviewing the situation to ensure
it remains as safe.
What patient support is available while we
For support and advice while waiting for appointments at the
Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, please call our LIAISE Family
Support team on 01173 428065 or email bchinfo@uhbw.nhs.uk
You can also contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service at
both Bristol and Weston General Hospital who provide support and
advice for patients. Here's how to get in touch,
To search for organisations, support groups, community groups,
events and activities that can help improve health and wellbeing in
Bristol and South Gloucestershire, visit the
Well Aware website.
What support is available for carers?
When you are a parent carer and your child has additional needs,
we recognise this can mean you face challenges in both waiting for
and accessing healthcare.
If you have not already done so,
complete a hospital passport to help up better understand your
child's wider needs, which might not be included in their
Once you have an admission date, contact the LIAISE team, who
will ensure that ward have access to your passport and highlight
your needs to our Disability Support team. They will help the ward
team look at what support can be offered and where reasonable
adjustments can be made.
Peer support is also available from the
local parent carer group forum website. If you are
struggling to connect with other families in your position,
Contact, a national advice and guidance service for children with
additional needs, operate a helpline which may be able to provide
more information - 0808 808 3555.
If you are a carer for another dependant, or your child is a
Young Carer, support and advice is also available. You can contact
the UHBW Carers Liaison team by emailing carersliaison@uhbw.nhs.uk. They can offer advice
on where to find local support.
What should I do if my child's condition gets
If your child's symptoms get worse while you wait for an
appointment, you should contact your GP who can assess their
condition, and if necessary, arrange further tests or get advice
from a specialist. You can also contact NHS 111 for advice. If you believe that
your child's symptoms are life threatening, please visit our
Emergency Department.
How do I rearrange or cancel my child's
Please let us know if you need to change or cancel your
appointment by getting in touch using the contact details at the
top of your appointment letter. If you cannot find this
information, or are unable to get through, please contact LIAISE on
0117 342 8065 or email bchinfo@uhbw.nhs.uk who will
be able to forward the message to the right team on your
AccessAble guides to our hospitals
University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust has
worked with AccessAble to create detailed access guides to
facilities, wards, and departments at our hospital sites.
The guides help patients and visitors plan their journeys to and
around the hospitals, covering everything from parking facilities
and hearing loops, to walking distances and accessible toilets.
We know everyone's accessibility needs are different, which is
why having detailed, accurate information is so important. All of
the details you'll find in the guide have been checked in person,
on site, by trained surveyors.
AccessAble guides to Bristol Royal Hospital for Children
Accessable guides to other hospitals within University
Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust