Appointment list
Your appointment list may arrive through the post.
Alternatively, you may be contacted by our radiotherapy bookings
team regarding your first appointment in radiotherapy and given
your full list at one of your early appointments. An example of the
appointment list you may receive is below:

Types of appointment ('Activity')
- Mould Room: If you are having radiotherapy to your head and
neck region or a limb you may need to have a treatment mould made.
The mould room technicians will talk you through this process and
will then make your mould which will be used for all subsequent
radiotherapy appointments.
- CT Scan: Therapeutic radiographers will scan the area of your
body to be treated in order to allow your consultant to plan your
treatment specific to you.
- Blood test: You may need one or more blood tests whilst
undergoing radiotherapy treatment. If these are on your appointment
list, they will take place within the radiotherapy department
unless you are told otherwise.
- Chemotherapy: If you are having chemotherapy, this will take
place on Level 5 of BHOC unless you are told otherwise.
- Pre-treatment chat: A conversation with a therapeutic
radiographer to discuss what will happen during your treatment and
any side effects you might experience. This is also a great time to
ask any questions you may have before starting your treatment.
- 1st Radiotherapy: Your radiotherapy treatment will be given by
a team of therapeutic radiographers. Your first treatment
appointment is usually slightly longer than your subsequent
treatments to allow a little extra time for you to become familiar
with the process.
- Radiotherapy: Your subsequent treatment appointments may be
slightly quicker than your first.
- Review: An appointment with a review radiographer who
specialises in your treatment. They will talk to you about any
concerns you may have and can offer support.
- PICC Placement/Line Care: Appointments with the PICC team to
insert your PICC line and subsequent appointments to maintain the
PICC line-these appointments are usually on level 5 of BHOC unless
you are told otherwise.
If you have any further questions about your appointment list,
please do speak to any member of the radiotherapy team and they
will be happy to help.