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Support for patients

BHOC delivers world-class medical treatment, and we also aim to provide the best care and support for everyone using our centre. We recognise that cancer and haematological disorders can be frightening and that some of the treatments are tough, so we want to do all we can to give you the support that you need throughout your treatment and beyond.  

We offer a number of support services to patients at the BHOC. These include: 

Psychological Health Services  

Although you can expect good communication, respect and care from all staff caring for you, Psychological Health Services at the BHOC are here to ensure that information and emotional support is available to you when you need it. Psychological Health Services consist of:
  • a Cancer Information and Support Centre which is a drop-in centre providing information and support to anyone affected by cancer. It is staffed mainly by ex-patients and carers. Other forms of support coordinated through the centre include benefits advice, HeadStart, a service offered to patients experiencing hair loss following treatment, head, neck and shoulder massage and nail care, Look Good Feel Better sessions and creative writing for wellbeing sessions. Find out more
  • the Clinical Psychology department which provides more specialist psychological treatments and counselling. Clinical psychologists work with people who are experiencing a variety of psychological difficulties, sometimes in the context of medical illness. The team of clinical psychologists based at the centre work with BHOC patients and important people in their lives when they are experiencing emotional or psychological difficulties as a result of having cancer.  Find out more 

See and download some useful resources, including films and booklets for managing common emotional difficulties in the context of cancer.

Living Well Services

BHOC works closely with Penny Brohn Cancer Care, a local and national charity that aims to help you live well with the impact of cancer at any stage of your journey.  They offer a combination of physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual support, designed to work alongside your medical treatment.  Services are offered free of charge (donations welcome), for anyone over the age of 18 with a diagnosis of cancer, and for their close supporters.

Treatment Support Clinic- a weekly doctor led clinic for those preparing for, in the middle of or recovering from chemotherapy and radiotherapy.  Includes information and advice on managing treatment side effects, gentle exercise, guided relaxation and optional acupuncture.  Monday mornings 9pm - 1.30pm

Introduction to Living Well- Find out more about how you can support your health, including information on healthy eating, physical activity, social and emotional support and stress management.

Living Well with the Impact of Cancer- 2 day residential or 3 day non residential course exploring the different impacts cancer can have and how to manage them

  • Understanding more about the psychological, emotional and physical effects of cancer
  • Learning how to support your immune system
  • Practising self-help and stress management techniques
  • Making a realistic, workable support plan for yourself
  • Sharing with others in similar circumstances

Cancerpoint- one to one complementary therapies, counselling, and on going groups, including exercise, relaxation and meditation

For more information, talk to your CNS, ask in the Information and Support centre, visit, or call their helpline on 0845 123 2310 

Spiritual and Pastoral Care (Chaplaincy) 


We offer a listening ear and sensitive support for those of any faith and for those who do not have religious beliefs, always respecting your own life situation.You can call us on 0117 342 0607 or within the hospital on x20607. You can also contact us by email at

Find out more about the Chaplaincy team.

Quiet room

There is a quiet room for space and reflection on the ground floor.

Information about other sacred spaces across the Trust.
