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PHS Research Green - Copy

As part of a large university hospital we are often designing or taking part in research, audits, quality improvement projects and service evaluations. These help us understand if whether the services we offer meet the needs of our children, young people and families and adult and enable us to develop and co-design our services in line with feedback. 

All of our research, service development and quality improvement projects help us support the aims of the trust:

  • Excel in consistent delivery of high quality, patient centred care, delivered with compassion.
  • Be at the leading edge of research and transformation  which is is translated rapidly into exceptional clinical care and embraces innovation  
  • Lead, collaborate and co-create sustainable integrated models of care with our partners  to improve the health of the communities we serve 

We may also invite you to take part in research projects which ask about your child's or  your experience of  a health condition so we can learn more about what types of  psychological support is helpful for you and /or your child.  If you would like to take part , this may mean that you are asked to fill in questionnaires or come to groups and events to tell us about your experience of our services and/  or your health condition and treatments. We value all your feedback  because it supports us to develop the services that we have.

All research and other projects are  assessed by other professionals to ensure that  the information is relevant and useful, and is not likely to have any negative effects on people who choose to take part. You are welcome to ask for more information before you decide to take part and if you choose not to take part in research or other projects, this will not affect your care in any way.


Take a look at some of the previous research completed by our staff

Author from the PHS team: Laura Baker, Specialist Clinical Psychologist

Author from the PHS team: Kirsty Ryninks, Clinical Psychologist

 Author from the PHS team: Lauren Canvin, Specialist clinical psychologist

Author from PHS team: Rosalind Cooper, Specialist clinical psychologist