Accessible information and communication
Help us to help you by letting us know the following information
in advance of your appointment / stay:
- If you require any special assistance at your appointment
- If you need an interpreter to attend your appointment with
- If you require your letters in a different format, such as
large font, or a different language
We provide a range of services at our hospitals to ensure that
our patients and their carers receive the information and
communication support that they need. These include:
Accessible website
There are things you can do to change the appearance of this
website to make it easier to see.
Click here to see
the options.
Patient Information Leaflets in alternative formats
We can provide information leaflets in a range of formats to
meet individual needs, for example, leaflets, audio files, Braille
and written translation. More information can be found here.
Patient letters in alternative formats
We can send you accessible copies of our patient letters,
including in large print, contrasting colours, Braille, and audio.
We can also translate our letters into other languages.
If you have a specific communication need, please call the
service under which you are being treated (this will be on your
appointment letter, or you can call our switchboard on 0117 342 000
and ask to be put through to that service).
Interpreting services
We have access to a large range interpreting support for our
patients (e.g. British Sign Language, non-English language
interpreters etc).
If you require an interpreter for your appointment, please let
our staff know in advance and they will book one for you.
Support for patients with a learning disability and / or
Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Hospital Passports
Our "Hospital Passport" supports the care of children and adults
with learning disabilities and autism when going to hospital. The
aim of the Hospital Passport is to provide our staff with
information about yourself and your carers during a hospital
Children's Hospital Passport
Adult Hospital Passport
Support from our specialist staff
Our Adult Learning Disabilities Team can provide
support to adults over the age of 18 who have a learning disability
or autistic spectrum condition (ASC), who are accessing information
and services.
We also aim to work with parents and carers of disabled and
complex needs children to ensure that we can plan for their care as
much as possible. Further details can be found here.
Other information or communication needs
If you have a specific information or communication need, please
call the service under which you are being treated (this will be on
your appointment letter, or you can call our switchboard on 0117
342 000 and ask to be put through to the service).
Your feedback about accessible information and
We would like to hear about your experiences of accessible
information and communication at our hospitals. This will help us
to identify the things that we do well and anything we could
improve. To give us your feedback, please complete this short survey.
Important note about this survey: please be
advised that we are not able to respond directly to queries raised
via this survey. If you have any issues, queries or concerns that
require a response, please contact the service under which you are
being treated, or our Patient Support and Complaints Team. Thank
About the NHS Accessible Information Standard
The NHS Accessible Information Standard sets out a specific,
consistent approach to identifying, recording, flagging, sharing
and meeting the information and communication support needs of
patients, service users, carers and parents with a disability,
impairment or sensory loss. To view the Trust's Accessible
Information Standard Policy please click here. For more information about the
Standard, please visit the NHS England website.