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19 May 2014

Open day to celebrate International Clinical Trials Day tomorrow

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust (UH Bristol) will be celebrating International Clinical Trials Day on Tuesday with an open day at Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre (BHOC) featuring talks from leading clinicians and research-themed events taking place across a number of the Trust's city centre hospitals.

The open day is being held in the clinical trials unit on level 4 of BHOC and will include a series of short talks starting from 12.30pm until 4pm, to which patients, staff and members of the public are invited to attend.

The speakers include consultant clinical oncologist Steve Falk, who will discuss how clinical trials started; Professor David Marks will look at major improvements in therapy for myeloma and leukaemia patients; and Professor Ann Williams will look at the science behind clinical trials.

Heather Carroll, clinical trials manager, UH Bristol says: "We are celebrating 21 years of clinical research at BHOC as part of International Clinical Trials Day to raise awareness about the importance of clinical research.

"We are seeing patients more proactively asking about clinical trials now - as they may offer a form of treatment that may otherwise not be available. We hope that this open day will offer an opportunity for staff, patients and the public to find out more about the clinical trials we offer and what is involved in trials."

Clinical trials at UH Bristol are diverse, and at BHOC may involve the use of surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. There are currently trials open in all disease areas including rarer disease types, targeted treatments, vaccine and gene therapy studies. To find out more about clinical trials at BHOC please visit: /clinicaltrials

Across our other hospitals and specialties our research staff will help to celebrate International Clinical Trials Day by showcasing some of the exciting research that we do here. Our stands, with posters and displays, will include: information on current studies in the foyer of St Michael's Hospital; a treasure map and 'day in the life of a children's research nurse' in the outpatients department of Bristol Royal Hospital for Children; open doors in the Joint Clinical Research Unit on Level 5 in the Old Building; information regarding current trials in the Surgical Research Team in clinic on Level 4, Queens Building; information on current research with a presentation in Bristol Eye Hospital and stalls in the Bristol Heart Institute atrium.  

For more information about research across the trust, visit   /research-innovation/information-for-patients-and-the-public/