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Showing 5 of 517 news items

“It’s like coming back to family” – patient’s mum takes on charity wing walk in support of staff, patients and families at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children

Jo Atrill wants to show her gratitude and thanks to staff who have continued to treat and care for her son, Alex Dieterle, at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, by braving a wing walk to raise funds for the hospital’s charity, The Grand Appeal.    Read More

Pit stop visit to Bristol Royal Hospital for Children on the 12 Corners Challenge

Stephen Gibbs pootled by Bristol Royal Hospital for Children in his Indian tuk tuk, to raise awareness of the 12 Corners Challenge he’s undertaking to raise money for Healing Little Hearts.    Read More

Emergency Department safety checklist wins national patient safety award

The ED safety checklist won the HSJ Patient Safety Award for ‘Best Patient Safety Initiative in A&E’.    Read More

Specialised diet helps children suffering from epileptic seizures

Ketogenic dietitians at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children are helping young people with epilepsy manage their seizures through a specialised diet.    Read More

New sexual health service launches in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire

Unity Sexual Health is a new sexual health service for people living in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.    Read More