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Referral guidelines

Outpatient referral information

Referral guidelines are available to download from the Document Management Service, which can be accessed from any NHS (nww) computer.

Click on 'Clinical Guidelines' then 'University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust' and select the required Division. 

NHS e-Referral Service

All consultant outpatient services at University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust are available for referral via NHS e-Referral Service.

The Trust operates the Direct Booking system which enables patients to book their appointment through an electronic referral system without having to contact the hospital. NHS e-Referral service speeds up the process of making an appointment as patients are able to book their appointment as soon as the request is made.

For information on the e-Referral service at the Trust contact

For information on the e-Referral service go to

By post

Contact details for the hospital sites can be found below:

Bristol Eye Hospital
Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre
Bristol Royal Hospital for Children
Bristol Royal Infirmary
St Michael's Hospital
Bristol Dental Hospital

GP referral letters

To facilitate effective triage, GPs are recommended to include the following information in referral letters:

Specialty/sub-specialty that patient is being referred to
Referrer details
GP name
Practice name
Telephone number
Date of referral
Patient details
Date of birth
NHS number
Telephone number (daytime or mobile if possible)
Medical history
Current medication
Significant history, including previous consultations for the same condition, name of consultant seen previously
Active problems
Clinical information
Referral priority (urgent/routine)
Reason for referral
Preliminary investigations and results, as well as management appropriate to reason for referral
Information regarding special/social circumstances (Does patient have hearing, visual, mental health difficulties or mobility impairment? Is an interpreter needed?)
You can download Direct Access Diagnostics referral forms for radiology and endoscopy.