Work experience
Work experience in the NHS is a fantastic way to gain insight
into a particular career. It can also be a valuable way of getting
some confidence and experience of working in a team and caring for
people. Whether it is a short or long-term placement, full or part
time, or on a structured or informal basis, work experience can
help you choose the right career.
At UHBW we aim to offer a variety of work experience placements
in both clinical and non-clinical areas. A work experience
placement is your opportunity to spend a period of time outside the
classroom, learning about a particular job or area of
More people in England work for the NHS than any other
organisation. This doesn't mean just doctors and nurses- it
means healthcare assistants, business managers, clerical staff,
cleaning operatives, chefs, laboratory technicians, engineers... in
fact there are more than 350 different careers, each with a vital
role to play in delivering a first class health service.
Please contact us for more information